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Video transcript:

In this video, I want to go over why building an agency is hard, way harder than you actually think, but today I'm going to make it 100 times easier for you. I'm actually going to show you the way that you can simplify it, guaranteeing that you actually start to see results in 2025. Now there are really only 5 things that you need to focus on when it comes to building your agency.

That's your niche, so who you're selling to. Second, your offer, what you're actually selling them. Third, landing clients, so how do you actually go and get these people as clients.

Fourth is delivery, how you then deliver for your clients. And fifth, scaling and how can you do that over and over again. That is pretty much the process and all that there is to it in a nutshell, and there are a few different ways that you can do it.

But what I'm about to show you is backed by 14 years of my own failures and wins in the online business space. Now before I begin, there's something I need to touch on. If you're watching this video as a complete beginner, with no money, nothing to invest, building an agency is going to be very difficult for you and you'll be stuck with very limited ways for you to actually go out there and reach clients, doing most of the work yourself with very little room to scout until you actually have funds coming in.

But if you're watching this and you've already got some paying clients, perhaps you have some team members and you're actually ready to invest into your business, which I know is this crazy scary idea for some of you. Then supercharging your agency in 2025 is actually going to be incredibly easy after you watch this video. And even if you're a beginner, using the strategies that I'm about to show you from day one is going to really help you.

So this system and strategy that we use is currently booking us qualified sales calls every single day. I'm not sending any DMs. I'm not really trying that hard, even on content that I'm posting here on YouTube.

So with that said, let's get started. Let's start with number one, which is your niche. So who are you actually going to sell to? Are you selling to businesses with money or businesses struggling to make money? Now, despite what most people believe, every single niche works.

And pivoting from niche to niche is the death sentence of your mental well-being and also your business. It's more about what you actually offer that specific niche than the niche itself. And I don't think you really need to dwell on picking a niche too much.

As long as there's a market that's not under 1000 people worldwide, then you're going to be fine. So pick a niche. Stick with it for 12 months or until you get enough data that says you're in the wrong niche.

Then and only then should you pivot. The best thing to do is to go really wide at the start and start to add friction as you start to see that data coming in. For example, starting with service businesses and then going into a specific type of service business that's really resonating most with your offer that you have.

And then from there, narrowing down. So next up, we have your offer. Now AI is at the top of everyone's mind right now.

And the barrier to entry to building an agency is literally zero dollars and half a brain. So to combat that, we're in a very crowded market where some of you are seeing no results and you can't charge more than 2k because competition is so high. So what you need to start doing is incorporating AI into what you do.

Clients just care about outcomes, not every part of your service. So if you want to be different, you need to package your offer up in a different way than other people. And AI is perfect for this.

A unique system using AI is a great way to cut through the noise in your marketing and pique the interest of your ideal client within a specific niche. Obviously, providing you actually stick to that AI system and deliver a specific outcome that they actually care about. But as a general rule, in most cases, your clients are going to care about getting more clients, driving more revenue and growing their business.

But that does obviously depend on your ICP or your ideal client profile and the level of business owner that you're trying to work with. Now, if that is what your clients want, there are 100 different ways of going out there and helping them grow their profits, increase margin, add more revenue. And that's what you can start to use in your offer.

But using that leading outcome is so important for you to actually interest people in your marketing. Next, you also need to try to reduce the amount of time and effort that your clients have to put in to achieve the outcome that they're looking for. Perhaps your services are completely done for you, where you handle everything for them.

Or maybe it's coaching, which obviously requires more work from your clients. You can go and read Alex Formosy's $100 million offers and understand how to go and build a good offer. But this is where everyone gets stuck.

While it's by far the most complicated part of any business, people look at landing clients like it's some kind of cryptic puzzle that's impossible to crack unless you have an IQ of 200. Now, luckily, I do pretty well, while my IQ doesn't even come close to that. So you should be fine too.

Now, people here on YouTube also love to overcomplicate things like generating leads and landing clients. And it makes sense to do that because if I was trying to sell you a course on landing clients, I'd want you to think it's as hard as possible so that you have to work with me to unlock those secrets. But today, I'm going to reveal this exact strategy for free.

And it's so simple. I don't send cold emails. I don't send cold DMs on LinkedIn or Instagram.

And I'm not filming any TikToks or Reels. The only thing I do is post long-form content here on YouTube. Now, I'm not saying all of these things don't work.

They definitely do. But I try to keep it as simple as possible. And even with these strategies that I'm using, the simple YouTube strategy and the other channel that I'm about to talk about, I still book qualified calls every single day for my agency.

So how do I do that? Well, I actually go and buy sales calls to get clients, which basically means I run paid ads. Now, before you panic with fear of the idea of investing in marketing, let me explain. I've wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on ads over the last 14 years.

But if I break down any success that I've ever had, with a few exceptions, it's always been down to the fact that I'm spending a lot of money on paid ads. Every single person you watch here on YouTube making hundreds of thousands of dollars per month, I guarantee you that they are running paid ads and that it is their main traffic source. If I wasn't running paid ads and I was just posting here on YouTube, I would be making a tiny fraction of what I'm making now.

Most people though, they get ads very wrong. They take a bad offer and then they try running ads to it. And then they send that lousy offer through a poor sales system.

And then they have low profit margins, meaning they can't afford to spend much on actually landing clients. And this is why it's so important that you charge higher ticket prices and really understand your unique mechanism of how you hook your clients. If you're charging under $2,000 after delivery costs and taxes, you can't afford to spend much to land any clients using ads.

But if you're charging $10,000 with healthy margins, you can spend hundreds to get leads and booked appointments. And that's when ads really start to work. When your offer is interesting, you have good ad creatives with a consistent testing strategy.

You have a solid sales system that you actually send those leads through, like a good VSL or video sales letter, a good sales page and booking process, that kind of thing. And you're actually good at closing deals when you get on calls with these leads. And then of course, you need to have the margin in your offer to actually go and spend a few hundred to acquire a client on ads.

And if you can do this, it works crazy well. If you were wondering how the hell are people landing so many clients and are able to go to like half a million a month in a year, the answer is they ran ads. I can tell you that this is it.

There is nothing else. There's no other crazy voodoo going on. They're literally just spending money on paid ads because they have their system and their offer dialed in.

You need to get comfortable launching ads for your business and actually spending money on marketing. How can you go and ask a client to pay you $5,000 to $10,000 when you don't even want to spend any of your own money in your own business? It literally makes no sense whatsoever. But look, once you do have ads working, start creating content like I do here and you'll find people will just start to trust you more.

That is the cheat code of content and paid ads. Paid ads for the volume of bookings, content for the trust. And full transparency, I book sales calls for about $100 per call, which is ridiculously cheap.

This way I have the budget to have like 10 to 15 calls to one close and still be profitable. So Ads4Us is a scalable client cash machine essentially that I can just continue to grow as my delivery system continues to optimize. Now, once we got that right and we've simplified our lead gen, the next thing we need to focus on is actually client delivery.

Now, I used to work custom with every single client. Every call that we had was different. Every client we spoke to wanted new and different things.

And this is what I see a lot in the AI agency space right now. People doing custom work with every single client. And to be honest, this is an absolute admin and delivery nightmare.

Because what would you rather have? A business where your proposals are all the same for every client and your pricing is the same? Or a business where everything is custom for every single call that you take? Now I can tell you now, not only is your sales process going to be extremely painful, you'll also burn hundreds of hours trying to come up with pricing and different ideas for different clients. And also delivering for every client is just way harder. It's the wrong way to go and you'll eventually realize that productizing and systemizing delivery is where you need to be.

Here's the reasons why. First of, every client goes through the same process. Next, it's easier to explain to your clients the actual outcome that they can expect to achieve working with you.

Third, we have completely systemized delivery, meaning we can actually work with way more clients. Number four, we can visually see where team members need support and more training is required. Next, your service is much easier to understand from a client's perspective.

And last, we can guarantee an outcome because nothing changes across different clients and we've got that process down. So picture it like a new client machine. They come to you with all of this pain, all of these different problems, and you send them through this delivery mechanism and they leave with their desired outcome.

This just allows us to move way faster than anyone else. And more importantly, I can feel comfortable in spending more in ads and creating more content knowing full well our client delivery is consistent and clients achieve their desired outcome every single time. It also makes it way easier to actually plan and hire a team and identify and fix bottlenecks across the process when you have it mapped out and systemized.

So start simplifying and map out that client journey. You got to remember, it's going to be nearly impossible to do if every single client you work with is custom. But even if it is, you can still use this to make your delivery process easier.

Just map out those processes. Now finally, when you've solved this and you've executed on all of the other parts that I've spoken about today, you're then ready to scale. And scaling means different things for different people.

You might just want a lifestyle business where you make 50 grand per month. Perhaps you want to go full on and shoot for that million dollars per month. The systems that I've just explained are what you need to go and do both.

It's just a case of dialing in that offer as you work with more clients and then increasing your price when you have more results and more testimonials. Find ways to keep clients for longer and increasing that customer lifetime value. So having a backend offer, an upsell or a downsell, it's spending more on ads that are already working.

It's creating content like I do and becoming an authority in your space. It's dialing in your sales process and to perfect your pitch for your service to a cold audience. And then finally, it's mastering that service delivery and actually getting clients results every time and systemize them as much as you can.

And I know this sounds simple enough, but that's because it is. It doesn't have to be any more complex than this. Legion into sales system, into client delivery.

Just focus on fixing those. At first, you will still struggle to do all of this and that's fine. It's going to take you time to learn all this and getting everything right.

And that is part of the process. It took me a few months figuring out the offer that I have today and I have experience. I've been doing this for years.

It was painful, but I knew and I trusted the process enough to keep on going. And that's where most people just give up. So my final message to you is this.

Keep working, keep going and keep it simple. Focus on what works. Don't pivot or change direction.

Just keep beating the same drum and I promise you now you will see results. You have to become the person who's actually capable of running and building a successful business. I've done it by following my own advice and I'm confident that you can too.

Now, if you want access to my free advertising courses, check out the first link in the description where I give away all my marketing training for free to get you started. And if you're running a local business and want to grow and scale with AI automations, make sure to visit the second link below to find out more. Thanks for watching and I will see you in one of the next videos that will show up right about now.

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