Inspectlet software review

inspectlet software review

Inspectlet is a website heatmap, session recording, and form analytics software that shows you the exact way your visitors use your website as well as the reason they carry out certain actions on your website.

The software is created by Inspectlet, a software company that has its headquarters in Palo Alto, California. The software focuses on helping website owners to understand the activity of their visitors which allow them to enhance user experience and consequently increase the conversion rate.

inspectlet dashboard

Session Recording

This is a feature that gives you access to the action of each visitor immediately they visit your website until they leave. With the opportunity to observe various visitors in their actions, you get to understand why some of them leave halfway into your website and why some others complete certain tasks on your website. Basically, you get to see and know what people that visit your site do.

It is so detailed that you can watch the movement of the mouse, clicks, and scrolls being carried out by your visitors down to the tiniest of details. Furthermore, the session recording lets you know exactly what your visitors see on their screen while they are browsing your website.

inspectlet recorded sessions

Powerful Filtering Feature

Inspectlet provides with a filtering feature that is quite powerful because you only have to watch the session playback of the visitors that carried out actions relevant to your analysis. So this way, you will not waste time in watching videos of visitors whose actions may be negligible on your conversion rate.

The filtering feature is advanced and it allows you to group the visitors that you want to watch into various categories based on the criteria of your choosing. For example, you can focus only on the visitors who are abandoning their shopping cart, leaving your website before completing the survey, or hitting the close button before they even scroll your web pages.

Heatmap Visualization

There are three types of heat map tracking tools provided by this software which allows you to accurately monitor the activities of your visitors. The three heat map tracking tools are eye-tracking heat maps, click heat maps and scroll heatmaps.

The eye-tracking heat maps make use of mouse movements to track your visitors’ activities. The click heat maps on the other hand function to show you the parts of your websites that are getting clicked by those visiting be it links, banners, images etc.

The scroll heatmaps then allow you to see and know the extent to which your visitors are scrolling your website thus showing the level of their interest in your website content.

Conversion Funnels

These function to show you the how effective your landing page. It shows you how and why your visitors carry out or complete certain actions when they visit.

This way, you are able to know the exact cause of a bad conversion rate on your website should you happen to have one. Furthermore, this feature allows you to track down lost sales while also providing you with the data needed to come up with a formula for better conversion rate.

inspectlet tracking

Session and User Tagging

This is a unique feature that provides you with the chance to tag specific sessions and users with the opportunity of reaching them some other time. For example, when you play the session recording of a particular visitor with a specific ID or email address, you can tag this user with a simple line of code and watch what this visitor is doing on your website the next time they visit your website.

With this, you are able to determine whether the changes you have made on your website has a profound effect on the decision-making of those who visit your website. You are thus able to capture interesting events.

inspectlet install code

Inspectlet features

  • Deep integrations with other analytics services
  • Enterprise grade support
  • Eye-tracking heat maps
  • Flawless form analytics
  • Mobile recording and tracking
  • Powerful conversion funnels analysis
  • REST reporting API
  • Seamless AJAX and single page app support
  • Session recording and visitor playback
  • User and visit-level tagging control


It provides three important analysis tools in one software suite which are: session recording, heat maps, and form analytics. The powerful filtering feature is there as well to help you in locating relevant recording sessions of people from the visitors that do certain things on your website.


The great features of this tool which are unlimited session recording and unlimited website tracking not absent from the cheap plans so if you don’t subscribe to the premium plan, you won’t get to enjoy them. Also, the free and micro plans lack some core features, like multiple account users, conversion funnels analytics, and targeted tracking.


One of the most interesting features of Inspectlet is session and user tagging. This is because you are able to observe how your visitors modify their level of interaction with your website thus allowing you to measure the effectiveness of changes made on your website.

Overall, Inspectlet provides one of the best heat map and website analytics tools that you can use to measure your website performance, know your visitors better, and eventually improve your conversion rate.

Start understanding your users today 

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