Amazon Product Launch – How To Rank #1 On Amazon For New Products

In this video I break down my Amazon product launch formula step-by-step process on how to rank a new product to the 1st page of Amazon. This covers product listing set-up, amazon pricing strategy, differentiation, keyword analysis, Amazon advertising and driving external traffic. This is a no-holds barred, full-on look at the exact process I use to launch products on amazon fba.

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Amazon Product Launch - How To Rank #1 On Amazon For New Products-Audio file

Amazon Product Launch - How To Rank #1 On Amazon For New Products - Video transcript

Hey guys and welcome back to my channel. In this video I would like to go over how to setup an Amazon product launch, so be sure to watch all the way through so you don't miss any of the important details as we do have a lot to cover.

Now, before I hop into this video, if you are new to this channel you're going to want to subscribe as I talk about the best ways to make a full time income with Amazon FBA and always get straight to the point.

So please consider subscribing and turning on your post notifications if you like channels that don’t waste your valuable time, with that said let's get right into this video.

Now, a product launch is one of the most important steps to finding success on Amazon. Your product launch gives you the momentum you need to start ranking and make organic sales.

To get it right, you need a plan. Competition on the Amazon marketplace is too high to blindly list your product and hope it will sell.

Your plan should include how you’re going to create your product listing, which keywords you are trying to rank for, how to maximize conversion rate, and how to generate sales velocity.

All these aspects go towards forming a successful product launch. But before you create your product listing or drive traffic, there are a couple of things you should check off first.

First, you will need to do product research and validate your product before launching. Lack of research can derail your product before you even get started. Keyword optimization, traffic generation and customer service can all be perfect, but it means nothing if your product is no good.

On the other hand, if you’re launching a new product into a space that is too competitive, you’ll probably flop as well. It’s always worth the time to make sure your product is high quality, and that the market you’re entering is not too crowded to make an impact.

Part of your product research process should include extensive keyword research. Make sure there are enough Amazon customers searching for keywords related to your product to sustain your sales.

Do your keyword research before you launch on Amazon. Ideally, you will have several high-priority keywords in mind, those with a large number of searches, highly relevant to your product.

You’ll need to know these keywords for when you create your product listing, to start generating sales with Amazon ads, and also for more advanced techniques designed to boost your rankings for specific search terms.

Step one of your product launch is to create your product listing on Amazon. It’s important to get this right before driving traffic to your page, or else you risk spending money on traffic that doesn’t convert, or doesn’t move your rankings.

Here are some things to take care of when setting up your listing. First we have keyword optimization, keywords are the foundation of a successful Amazon product. They tell the search engine what your product is, and determine which searches your product does and doesn’t show up for.

As mentioned earlier, you should have done extensive keyword research before launching your product, to make sure there are enough keywords with enough search volume for your product to make money.

When you create your listing, you should include all these keywords somewhere in your title, bullet points, product description, and backend keyword fields.

Don’t over-optimize. Repeating a keyword 20 times in the bullet points alone is not going to make your product rank higher for it. It’s more important that your listing reads well, and that a large range of phrases are mentioned.

Include the most important keywords higher up. Keyword space in your title should be reserved for your most valuable, relevant keywords, which will help your product generate more clicks from search results and ads.

Then use your bullet points to add any other hyper-relevant keywords, and long-tail keywords that reference different use cases for your product. This will both help you rank for these searches, and boost your conversion rate for people who click through from the search results

Now, keywords are just one part of setting up your listing. The other side of the coin is how you will convert shoppers into buyers of your product.

The consequences of poor copywriting are major, particularly when launching your product. You’re going to be sending a lot of traffic to your listing, so if your copy is not convincing enough, your amount spent per sale goes up significantly.

The bar for convincing customers your product is worth their money is high, as Amazon listings have no shortage of related products and ads from competing sellers to draw customers’ attention.

To maximize conversions, stick to copy that is short, choppy and easy to scan. Large blocks of text are no good for Amazon listings, as most people have a short attention span when shopping.

Focus on benefits, not features of your product. This means writing about how your product helps the customer, rather than its physical features.

It’s a bit of an art to create a product listing that finds the perfect balance between keyword optimization and conversion optimization. But if you can get this right, you can expect to be a step ahead of other sellers in your niche.

In addition to your copy, make sure you “wow” potential customers with high-quality images, video, and A plus content.

These help spice up your Amazon listing and do wonders for your conversion rate. Visuals can also be used to promote your brand and create a lasting image in your customers’ mind.

When you put up a new product on Amazon, you also need to set your pricing. You may not think of this as a part of a product launch, but pricing can greatly affect the success or failure of your launch.

If you price your product too high, you may struggle to get enough sales. While if you price it too low, you won’t make enough profit to afford more inventory.

You want to find the sweet spot where you’re making as much profit as possible, but you’re not pricing yourself too high above the competition, where the price will drive customers to buy from other sellers.

During a product launch, it’s not a bad idea to drop your pricing or discount your product, as you can afford to sacrifice profit to generate sales velocity to get your product off the ground.

However, it’s not the best idea to change the base price during this time. The reason being, Amazon’s algorithm doesn’t like when your pricing jumps up in big increments. If you price your product low during the launch, then put it up a lot afterwards, you might see your rankings drop as a result

Instead, it’s best to use one-off or limited discounts for your launch period, such as Amazon coupons, discount codes, or post-purchase rebate offers.

Consider discounting your product with short-term discounts, coupons and promotions, rather than changing the base price during your launch.

Think about this before you kick off your Amazon product launch, as you’ll need to factor in the cost of discounting your product when budgeting your launch expenses. Which means you may need to put aside capital for several shipments’ worth of inventory, as you may not be making much profit for a short period of time.

You need to know what you’re trying to achieve when you launch a new product. That way, you can craft your launch strategy in a way that works towards the right goals.

Here are three things you should get out of a successful product launch. Sales are the first thing you’re looking for when launching a new product.

Amazon doesn’t promote products that don’t get any sales. So before you can start making organic traffic, you need to show Amazon that people are willing to buy your product.

Sales don’t guarantee you’ll start ranking and getting organic traffic, but you’re not going to rank without them. Selling products is important, but search rankings are the real carrot.

You want your product to rank for keywords, and start generating organic sales from Amazon search. Generally speaking, strong sales velocity will result in organic rankings for your product. However, sales don’t always correlate to rankings.

You first need to ensure that your product listing is well optimized for keywords. That way, the sales you get will go towards ranking boosts for the right keywords.

Additionally, your sales will only translate to rankings if you sustain them over an extended period of time. Aim for at least 7 to 21 days of steady sales. This is better than a large spike, followed by a quick drop.

If you’re trying to gain rank for particularly difficult keywords, you can also make use of advanced ranking tactics like 2-Step URLs and Search Find Buy. These strategies require more investment, but may be worth it if you have one or two keywords with sufficiently high search volume.

Lastly, you need to get some product reviews. Product reviews are critical for ranking, generating clicks from the search results, and converting customers that land on your page.

Search any competitive category, and you’re likely to find products appear in search with a high rating and a ton of reviews.

The first few reviews are the hardest to get. Once you’ve got enough to maintain a good conversion rate, you should start getting reviews organically on between 1 to 5% of your sales.

However, when you don’t have any reviews, it’s difficult to get sales from people shopping on Amazon, through organic search or ads. And without sales, you can’t get reviews.

That’s why review generation needs to be part of your product launch strategy. Without product reviews, you’ll struggle to get any meaningful traction in organic rankings and sales.

One of the hardest things about launching a new product on Amazon is the flywheel effect of sales and rankings. You need sales to rank. But you need rankings to get sales.

That means you need proactive ways to drive traffic to your listing, since you can’t sit back and wait for organic sales. Here are some ways to do this.

While organic search is king, on Amazon you can pay to “jump the queue”, by investing in Amazon Pay per click or Sponsored Products Ads.

This lets you bid on your target keywords, to push your product to the top of the results page for these searches. You can also buy sponsored ads on other areas of the Amazon platform, like product listings, which can be very effective.

This makes Amazon advertising a powerful and popular tactic for product launches. When your product doesn’t yet have the history of sales needed to rank organically, you can pump money into aggressive pay per click campaigns to generate the necessary sales momentum.

The problem is, you usually need a few reviews to run ads effectively. If you run sponsored ads for a newly launched product with no reviews, you’ll struggle to convert sales, as you lack social proof, a necessary part of selling products in e-commerce.

So Amazon ads can be great during a product launch, but only once you have at least 3 to 5 reviews. Try starting up advertising campaigns midway through your launch period, once this goal is met.

With Amazon ads needing social proof to run effectively, the best way to launch your product on Amazon is by promoting it with off-Amazon ads.

Facebook Ads are the best for this. They’re scalable, they give you a huge audience to target, and the creative options allow you to sell your users on the product before they get to Amazon. This is important as you can’t rely 100% on your product listing to convince users to buy a new product.

Combining a Facebook Ads campaign with a promotion to entice new buyers is the best way to get your first sales coming in. Better yet, you can retarget your first buyers with an additional set of ads or a follow-up email as part of a landing page funnel to encourage them to leave a review.

Proactive methods like these will help you get additional reviews quicker, which is vital for getting your product launch off the ground, and getting organic conversions started.

First reviews are even tougher to get since the Early Reviewer Program shut down, so there is almost no reason not to launch with Facebook Ads.

The one method that beats Facebook Ads as an effective launch strategy is launching to an email list. If you have an engaged list of buyers interested in your brand, product line or niche, this should be an essential part of your launch strategy.

This allows you to get your first sales without needing to pay for Facebook Ads. You can also get away with offering very small discounts during your launch, or even launching at full price.

A launch list is also super effective for getting an early reviewer or two. Many people will be compelled to share their thoughts on the product already, without any push, if they’re part of an “exclusive” launch group.

Follow-up emails to people who clicked through to Amazon from your list will produce more reviews still, particularly if you’ve done a good job keeping your list engaged prior to your launch.

You can combine launching to your list with Facebook Ads at the same time – this is one of the best practices if you’re selling in a competitive space and need a lot of sales to get the ball rolling.

The three channels I outlined before are the most effective ways to get initial sales for your product. However, depending on your product, niche and experience, you may be able to drive external traffic from channels like influencer marketing, organic social media and your own e-commerce store.

Wherever your customer base or target audience hangs out, you can theoretically advertise your product and drive traffic.

Now. As you can see, there are a lot of steps involved in launching a product on Amazon. And I wouldn't recommend piecing together everything by simply watching videos on YouTube. This is why I suggest investing your time in a great free training that can guide you through this process.

I recommend this training because this is the best training on the market and one that I have personally gone through. They walk you through every aspect of what it takes to start, grow and scale your Amazon business.

This training will build off of what I talk about inside my videos so I left a link for you in the description and if you're serious about selling on Amazon I encourage you to check it out!

Now, your Amazon product launch should not be taken lightly. This is your opportunity to generate vital momentum, and ride this momentum to high rankings and organic sales from Amazon search.

Getting it wrong means a lot of wasted time, money, and energy, and can set your product several steps behind the competition.

To guide your Amazon product launch strategy, understand that your goal is to generate sales, translate these sales into organic search rankings, and get your product’s first few reviews.

Do it right and after 2 to 3 weeks you should start seeing results, getting visibility in Amazon search and positive reception from your customers. This will let you start profiting from the huge and profitable machine that is Amazon’s third-party seller marketplace.

Thanks for watching and please make sure to watch the next videos with more Amazon FBA tips that will show up right about now.

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