

Why is your personal branding just as important?

personal branding

Looking for a new career or asking for a promotion would be a great starting point, but it does not stop here. It goes way further than that. It is very important to brand yourself as a person, and not only your company or your product. Besides the fact that it will contribute to your personal progress, it will also contribute to the growth of your product or service in several ways.

[Note “Nowadays, each and every individual must be a marketer for a particular thing, at least him/herself.”]

Why personal branding strategy is important explained in 9 reasons:

Personal Advantage

Are you on a hunt for a new career? Or maybe you aspire to a promotion? A great deal of help can come from a track record that can be proven and a personal brand. Through personal branding, you can easily interact with other people and build trust, even in your personal life.


People love to interact. However, they don’t interact with products or services. One of the most important aspects of business and business decisions is interaction. You will surely benefit in the long run if you stay connected – and your business will definitely grow from your personal connections if you advertise a product or service.

A personal brand is practically the cornerstone of new connections, regardless if we are talking about personal or business partnerships.

Inbound Networking

inbound networking

Personal branding may help even if you are not so famous. It will help people to recognize you and engage in certain discussions. Considering the fact that it is simpler to start a conversation with a person than with a product, we can say that the principle of inbound marketing/networking is even more efficient with a personal brand. Since more people will want to connect with you, your network will grow considerably.

Influencing decisions

Technical differences or monetary benefits are two aspects that have a major important on the last buying decision. In case the individuals behind the products or services are nice, smart, helpful and informative, they can also influence the buying decisions. The connection to the person behind the product is very important when it comes to choosing between two products.

Be remembered

Remembering a person is far easier than remembering a product. Therefore, it is very important to brand yourself if you wish to enter on peoples’ minds.


Compared to a robot, an individual will gain far more credibility regardless of his/hers faults, mistakes, and personal opinions. You have to highlight your personality through your brand, in a positive way. By doing so, you will gain credibility.

Even though you can find great facts in scientific papers or reference books, in business it is often not the facts that count but the promises made by individuals. To make your promises worthwhile, you have to build credibility.


You will still be you after a certain period of time, even though a product or service that you offer may change. You have to brand yourself carefully since a personal brand will last for a long period of time. Once you have built your image, it will be really hard to change it. A mistake may last longer than you want – yet a positive impression may also remain in the head of your clients for a long period of time.

Added value to a brand

Imagine an influencer working for a brand; you will understand why persons offer additional value to a brand. In some particular situations, it can go as far as personal brand changing the stock market value. Regardless of the size of your brand – your employer benefits from having employees with a personal brand even if it is just through a little personal activity.

Be visible – Simpler promotion

Introducing yourself to new people is far simpler and nice compared to a product brand trying to enter a new market segment. A product is quite limited with it comes to connecting and talking to other people compared to a person – or it is simply ignored.

You should never underestimate the power of YOU and never forget to build your personal brand. You will benefit in the long run.

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