

How to Use Amazon A+ Content to Boost Your Brand Awareness

Using Amazon A+ content is a great way for sellers to showcase their brand story and product feature information on an Amazon product detail page. In this video I will cover the value proposition of using Amazon A+ content, best practices and tips & tricks for using the A+ Content Manager and boost your brand awareness with A+ content creation.

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How To Use Amazon A+ Content To Boost Your Brand Awareness - Audio file

How To Use Amazon A+ Content To Boost Your Brand Awareness - Video transcript

Hey guys and welcome back to my channel. In this video I would like to go over how to boost brand awareness with Amazon A+ content , so be sure to watch all the way through so you don't miss any of the important details as we do have a lot to cover.

Now, before I hop into this video, if you are new to this channel you're going to want to subscribe as I talk about the best ways to make a full time income with Amazon FBA and always get straight to the point, with that said let's get right into this video .

Now, in order to really build a brand on Amazon, you need to be able to have full control over how it’s depicted to customers. This is why Amazon A+ content is so valuable to sellers. So, just what is this tool and how can you take advantage of it to build a winning brand on Amazon?

While shopping on Amazon you may have stumbled upon a product page that doesn’t have the usually bland product description. Instead, it’s full of images, graphics, and lots of rich media that really tells the story of the brand.

It allows brand owners to replace their plain text descriptions with more engaging content and extra details. Sellers can then personalize their page and differentiate themselves from the competition.

Unfortunately, it’s only available to sellers and vendors who have registered their brand through Amazon’s Brand Registry program. That means in order to use A+ content you need to fulfill two requirements. Have a trademarked brand and have submitted an application and been approved by Amazon’s Brand Registry Program.

If you have your own brand but haven’t completed these two steps it’s easy to get started. First, you need to trademark your brand by contacting your local patent office. For example, if you want to trademark your brand in the US you’ll apply with the US Patent and Trade Office.

Once your brand is trademarked, go to Amazon’s Brand Registry page to enroll in the program. You’ll need to provide the brand you’re registering, and your trademark number. You will also need a list of product categories your brand falls under.

To speed up the process you can apply if your trademark application is still pending. In this case, instead of your trademark number, you would submit your application number.

The primary benefit of A+ Content is that it gives you way more control over your product listing page. And the more you can personalize your page the more you’ll set yourself apart from the competition. But the benefits go far beyond this. Here are a few more advantages of A+ content.

First, you can get people’s attention. While the standard Amazon listing page has proven to be effective, adding more color, images and graphics is only going to help. This type of media really grabs people’s attention and makes them take notice of your products.

Second, customers will read more: This type of content is also easier to skim than just plain text. That means people are more likely to read your description from start to finish, allowing them to learn more about your item.

Next is highlighting your benefits. By using more images it’s easier to highlight the many benefits of your product. You can show all the features and then explain how they make the customer’s life easier or better.

According to Amazon, listings that use A+ Content have conversion rates that are 10% higher than those that use standard content. This is a big benefit if you’re promoting your product with ads, as it will increase your return on ad spent.

Using graphical content allows you to better educate your customers. This means they have a better idea of what they’re purchasing, which leads to lower return rates. And assuming you qualify, adding A+ content to your listing is free.

Simply put, the difference between A+ Content and standard content is immense and leads to much greater results for sellers.

Now, let’s go over a few examples of just how creative you can get with A+ Content.

You can show your product in action while also highlighting some of the features.

Or give a detailed view of your product and exactly where every feature is located.

You can also Include a video along with your photos so customers can learn more about your product and see it in action.

And if  your product has been featured in any media, you can display their logos to add credibility to your item.

You can show your team in Amazon A+ content so customers can learn the faces behind your product.

I also like the fact that you can create a more interactive FAQ section to help people get answers to their questions.

These are just a few of the possibilities with A+ Content. Once you start building your content you’ll quickly realize there are a number of different ways you can educate people on your brand and products.

Now, how do get started with creating A+ Content. Once your brand is registered through Amazon’s Brand Registry program you’ll be ready to start building your product listing pages. You can add new content to your Amazon Seller Central account.

Just Log in to Amazon Seller Central. Go to “Advertising.” Click “A+ Content Manager.” And click “Start Creating A+ Content” in the top right corner of the screen. At this point, you’ll have a choice between two types of content:

Fist you have enhanced product description. This is focused on the specific product you’ll be creating content for. It allows you to create rich content that highlights the benefits and features of your item. You’ll choose from a number of modules and templates that make it easy to build the content exactly how you want it.

Next, you also have brand story. This option allows you to create consistent brand content across all your product listing pages. It’s more focused on building your brand and allows you to add your logo and a brand description. This content is displayed above your enhanced brand description.

Ideally, you’ll want to create both types of content so you can build your brand and promote your product all at the same time.

Once you select the type of content you’re going to create you’ll need to choose what modules you’re going to use. You can use more than one module on an Amazon listing to provide some variety to your content.

There are 16 module types in total. Some of your options include, left-aligned image with text on the right, right-aligned image with text on the left, four images with text, three images with text, four images and text in a quadrant, a comparison chart or an image with text overlay. You can combine these modules however you like to tell your brand and product story.

All you really need to create A+ Content is multiple high-quality images of your product. Just select your module, upload the required number of images, and add your text. You may need to adjust your image sizes to meet Amazon’s requirements.

If you’d like to get a little more creative, consider hiring a graphic designer. They can add some additional custom graphics and effects that will help your product really stand out. Once you have the images from your designer simply upload them the same way you would a regular photo. You can also use these designs for your branded storefront.

Once your images and text are entered you’ll also need to apply the proper ASINs to the content so Amazon knows what products it’s for. You can also create other language variations of the content if you wish.

Now, make sure to review your content for any errors. Once you’re happy with your content, publish it so Amazon can approve it.

But as with all Amazon content, there are certain guidelines and requirements you’ll need to follow in order for it to get approved.

Some of these guidelines are, don’t mention guarantees and warranties that aren’t related to Amazon.

Don’t use language like “affordable”, “cheap”, “bonus”, and “free.” Don’t use calls to action like “buy now” or “add to cart.”

Images must be high-quality. So no blurry images. And don’t use any images that don’t include the product.

Also, spelling and grammatical errors aren’t allowed. And don’t include mention of off-Amazon customer service.

Now, approval for your content can take up to seven days, but most sellers report that they generally receive feedback within two business days. If your content violates any of their guidelines you’ll be required to make changes and resubmit it. You can have up to 20 A+ Content submissions pending at one time. Once your content is approved you can manage it and edit it to make changes if you need to.

Now, if you want to create content that wows your customers and ranks high in Amazon searches, here are some tips:

While A+ Content isn’t indexed by Amazon searches, you still need to think about SEO if you want your content to be found. Use tools like Jungle Scout Keyword Search and Reverse ASIN Lookup to find relevant search terms that have a high number of monthly searches, then include these keywords in your listing title and bullets.

Next tip is to plan your content out. Don’t just include random facts and benefits. Plan out the order customers should receive the information in. Treat your content like a landing page and take them on a journey to increase your conversion rate.

Also keep your branding consistent across all your A+ content. This will help your brand become more recognizable to your customers and ensures people associate their purchase with you, rather than Amazon.

A+ Content gives you so many more options than regular content, so make sure you’re taking full advantage of all the benefits.

If you’re looking for a way to help your brand and products stand out, Amazon A+ Content is the best way to do it. If you have a trademarked brand register it with Amazon’s Brand Registry Program and then start using this feature to boost your results.

Now, as you can see, there are a lot of steps involved in building an Amazon business. And I wouldn't recommend piecing together everything by simply watching videos on YouTube. This is why I suggest investing your time in a great free training that can guide you through this process.

I recommend this training because this is the best training on the market and one that I have personally gone through. They walk you through every aspect of what it takes to start, grow and scale your Amazon business.

This training will build off of what I talk about inside my videos so I left a link for you in the description and if you're serious about selling on Amazon I encourage you to check it out!

Thanks for watching and please make sure to watch the next videos with more Amazon FBA tips that will show up right about now.

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